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Landlords Property Insurance is for anyone who is thinking of renting out their property; whether it’s to a single rented property or a property portfolio on a buy-to-let basis to either private or commercial tenants.
With so many different types of buildings available (flats, commercial office blocks, houses), with an equally expansive range of different uses, a specialist with the right kind of knowledge and advice is needed to ensure your Landlord’s policy covers all aspects of your risk exposure.
Our Landlord’s quotation system is specifically for residential tenants although we have a full range of products for Commercial, Unoccupied, Student or Housing Benefit Let by contacting our office.
So, whether you’re looking to evaluate your current Landlord Insurance or looking for a new quote, we can provide you with the relevant advice for all your Property Insurance needs.
When you press 'Get a Quote' you will be taken to a secure quotation system that is safe for both your personal and banking details. If you are in any difficulty operating the site or it does not meet with your premium and cover needs, please contact us on the above number or email us [email protected]