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Our Tradesman insurance offers liability insurance quotes for a tradesman or contractors. Whether you are a working as a plumber, plasterer, builder or electrician; there are many potential hazards in these jobs that mean protection is very important.
We have access to a range of affordable tradesman insurance products aimed at comparing the insurance market for contractors, self-employed tradesman and small businesses that need liability insurance cover in order work on third party premises.
Without cover, an injury or damage claim that caused by the negligence of you or your employees could be an expensive lesson. In some cases, it could even cost you your business or your assets.
It should also be noted that many construction firms subcontracting work are far more careful with regard to insurance arrangements and want their subcontractors to be correctly insured. This system is a quick and easy way to solve this problem and ensure you have purchased low cost insurance with quality insurers.
When you press 'Get a Quote' you will be taken to a secure quotation system that is safe for both your personal and banking details. If you are in any difficulty operating the site or it does not meet with your premium and cover needs, please contact us on the above number or email us at [email protected]